After School
After-school Classes
Our after-school program is a Math and Science learning group for kids ages 8-12, meeting once a week on a weekday during the school year. (For school breaks, please check out our Summer Break page.) The sessions are 5 weeks long.
Spring 2025: Physics! Intro to Static Systems
(This is the same curriculum as our first summer break camp but adapted to an after-school format.)
This spring, we will learn about classical mechanics with a theme of:
Lift — Work smarter, not harder!
Let's get physical! Throw carp around and lift cars! W00t!
Oh, seriously, we'll enjoy some hands-on fun while exploring fundamentals of Force, Mass, Gravity, Friction, Pressure, Ramps, Pulleys, and flex our mathly brain muscles to take total MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE of the world. Muahahhaa!
Disclaimer: Yes, we will have some pedagogical stuff thrown in for good measure, such as data collection, pre-algebra, and data analysis. But worry not, we'll keep it [mostly] age appropriate.
And no, we don't actually throw fish around! That's reserved for the Dynamics classes.
Lafayette Public Library's Arts and Science Discovery Center
3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549.
For the April-May 2025 session, we have 3 weekly groups:
Group 1 meets 3:15-5pm Mondays, April 21 – May 19 (total of 5 classes)
Group 2 meets 3:15-5pm Tuesdays, April 22 – May 20 (total of 5 classes)
Group 3 meets 3:15-5pm Wednesdays, April 23 – May 21 (total of 5 classes)
The doors open at 3:00 pm, so our students can arrive after school, get situated, use a restroom or have a quick snack outside at the patio before the class starts. (Please pack your own snack). In the classroom we will have an early arrival activities of choice for the kids to start exploring the topic of the day. The formal instruction starts at 3:15 pm.
Tuition is $350 total for a session of 5 class meetings.
Signing up
Are you interested in an after-school class for your child? Please email or fill out this form to request a reservation.