Summer Break
Math Club, A Summer to Remember!
This group is designed for elementary school students from 2nd grade and higher (ages 7-11) and meets twice a week over the summer break to help children retain what they have learned at school. We'll keep our math skills fresh through a combination of individualized practice exercises, games, and creative challenges!
Disclaimer: Participants may accidentally pick up math skills above their grade level — if children want to learn, there is no stopping them!
Schedule: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, June 3rd–26th, July 8th – August 7th, 9 weeks total.
Lafayette Public Library's Arts and Science Discovery Center
3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549.
Tuition: $40/day or $650 for the summer season (9 weeks).
Day camps are one week each, Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm.
Lafayette Public Library's Arts and Science Discovery Center
3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549.
Physics! Intro to Static Systems
For kids of ages 8-12: Let's get physical! Throw carp around and lift cars! W00t!
Oh, seriously, we'll enjoy some hands-on fun while exploring fundamentals of Force, Mass, Gravity, Friction, Pressure, Ramps, Pulleys, and flex our mathly brain muscles to take total MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE of the world. Muahahhaa!
Disclaimer: Yes, we will have some pedagogical stuff thrown in for good measure, such as data collection, pre-algebra, and data analysis. But worry not, we'll keep it [mostly] age appropriate.
And no, we don't actually throw fish around! That's reserved for the Dynamics class.
Schedule of sessions:
June 2 – 6, 9am to 1pm
June 9 – 13, 9am to 1pm
July 14 – 18, 9am to 1pm
July 21 – 25, 9am to 1pm
Tuition: $600 for one 5-day session
Early drop off is available for an additional fee $15/30 min.
Note: This is an expanded version of our after-school Spring 2025 program. We are going to revisit the same topics, but go a little deeper and will have more time for fun hands-on activities! If your child participated in the after-school group, they are welcome to join this camp, or they can jump straight to our level two Dynamics camp!
Physics! Intro to Dynamic Systems
For kids of ages 8-12: You couldn't get enough of our static systems? Or did you already know it all?
Let's get moving with our second level camp to dive deeper with Acceleration, Momentum, Inertia, Buoyancy, and Density. We'll see what really float how far the fish flies!
Another disclaimer: Yes, we will have more mathly + data analysis activities here too, and perhaps include some ethical discussions such as the ramifications of replacing the balls in a Newton's cradle with classmates or instructors.
Schedule of sessions:
June 23 – June 27, 9am to 1pm
July 28 – August 1, 9am to 1pm
Tuition: $600 for one 5-day session
Early drop off is available for an additional fee $15/30 min.
[Computer] Code Haven
This day camp is a coder's dream! Bring your laptop (or any mobile computer!) and get some blissful time to focus on the software coding projects of your choice with camaraderie of likeminded peers and mentoring from a computer architect & software engineer. Are you having trouble thinking (Not sure) about what you'd like to try next? We're happy to help scheme ideas such as video games, gravity simulators, and musical instruments.
New programmers will be introduced to their choice of either Python, Scratch or Swift depending upon their desires and laptop's capabilities, and experienced kids may get aid with more technical languages as deep as C++ or Assembly. All skill levels may benefit from insights covering data structures, code organization, and Git source revision control for tag team coding.
July 7 – July 11, 9am to 1pm
Tuition: $500 for the 5-day session
Early drop off is available for an additional fee $15/30 min.
Signing up
Are you interested in a summer activity for your child? Please email or fill out this form to request a reservation.